About Academic Advisory Council
The Academic Advisory Council at Shia P.G.College (SPGC) serves as an advisory body committed to providing advice that is representative of the views of faculty constituencies for the purpose of improving the academic experience at SPGC.
The AAC strives to enhance stewardship of the curriculum such that the student learning experience is continuously improved, enhanced, and optimized. The AAC also serves as a liaison between the College leadership and the college -wide faculty constituency for the purpose of keeping faculty informed about academic issues.
The Managing Committee of SPGC may solicit advice from the AAC in the following areas:
- Curriculum design and delivery, including learning and learning evaluation, implementation of technologies, pedagogies, and tools.
- The implementation of policies and processes that impact faculty, teaching, and the learning experience
- Policies and processes related to the student learning experience
- Other specific academic issues and/or insights given their special knowledge and expertise
- Changes in the academic/higher education landscape, affecting the learning environment, the competitive framework, or learning science