Observation and experimentation is the essence of scientific method and is the foundation for any acceptable theory. Any opinion, howsoever convincing it may appear, is liable to be rejected if it fails to support the experimental evidence. Laboratories are places where the learner gets a chance to perform experiments and is able to verify theoretical knowledge. Besides, observations made in the controlled set up of a laboratory are also critical in forming new hypotheses. Thus, laboratories form the backbone of research infrastructure of any scientific discipline in a HEI.
Shia PG College runs UG and PG courses in several disciplines and has well equipped laboratories in the departments of Anthropology, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physics, Statistics, and Zoology. Laboratory audit is periodically done to ensure that required facilities are in place and standard guidelines for safety are being followed.
In Computer Science laboratory, there are enough computers to provide hands-on training to students on desktops. The laboratories of Physics have a rich collection of apparatuses comprising of astronomical telescopes, interferometers, Coolidge tube, and other sophisticated equipment. Chemistry labs are also having a very good infrastructural set up and adhere to all the prescribed norms of lab safety.
In the laboratories of Botany and Zoology, sophisticated microscopes and other laboratory equipment are made available for the convenience of students. In Zoology laboratories, ethical treatment of sentient life forms is ensured and an ethical committee looks after this aspect. Zoology laboratories are specially equipped to cater to the needs of MSc students. There is an instrument room consisting of modern instruments such as centrifuges, spectrophotometers, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, electrophoresis systems and a lot more. It is hoped that with the newly acquired provision of research guidance by college teachers the research facilities and also laboratories, by extension, will get a face lift in near future.